Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week 2- KoolAid Man says, "Oh Yeah!"

Well, I finally drank the kool-aid and signed up for twitter and diigo. While I knew the definition and capabilities of diigo, I suppose I never really thought about what I meant for web users and collaboration amongst users on websites. Neat stuff!
Twitter has still yet to wow me, though. Compared to so many other Web 2.0 collaboration, communication, and social-networking sites out there, I view Twitter as just one of many, but one that happened to gain popularity. While I will probably be eating my own words in a couple of years, Twitter feels like an intense fad, one that will pass eventually. However, I can see Twitter evolving into a more refined product, a product that would stand the test of time better.
Next up is to peruse or the class Web 2.0 wiki and just pick out Web 2.0 tools to sign up, learn to use, etc. If I cram enough in, I'm sure that some of it will eventually stick, even if I don't use it on a regular enough basis to guarantee information sustainability in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Your Jonestown analogy to signing up for Twitter and Diigo is intense. However, I can see how some Web 2.0 technologies get support because "everyone is doing it." Thank you for sharing the site. It blows me away how many tools are available, but I am intrigued to at least check them out. One may be 2010's Twitter equivalent.
