Friday, July 31, 2009
Google adds another web 2.0 tool
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Week 5- Journal Assignment
Currently, my produsage tasks, usage, and creation are a combination of both personal and professional. With that said, I try to conscious be aware of copyright issues to the point of paranoia. With my luck, the one time I publish an image that's not free use is the one time that a litigious lawyer who created that image visits whatever item I created.
The same could be said for authorship. Years of having anti-plagiarism propaganda presented to me, combined with who knows how many papers requiring proper citing, have instilled a sense of making sure that any information, images, sounds, etc. created or presented are either common use, creatively unique, or give due credit to the proper author or artist.
These issues do not affect how I work or whether I would complete a piece of produsage. It is a mentality that has become part of how I create, and only inhibits what I do if I am working with a limited issue. "Limited" in the example of creating a website for FSU students, by FSU students, but avoiding using certain FSU phrases and icons, even if it is known to be the rights of Florida State.
Week 4- Accomplishments
While I properly prepare, here is what I remember doing during the last week...
-Worked with Bryan and Lee An on produsage #2, a website, which is the counterpart to GOSA, which Bryan created for the University of Florida. Being a Seminole, we will forgive his for this aggregious act.
-Read every blog in the world (it seems at times)
-Started and participated in BlackBoard discussions.
-Continued to realize that I currently have no use for Twitter and that it still bothers me, much a digital Hannah Montana.
-Looked into the recommended StumbleUpon, Technorati, and citeulike. I find they all tend to match tools found on other Web 2.0 instances, but I do particularly like citeulike and its focus on articles.
-Continued to view and comment on the produsage #1 created by my talented classmates.
-"Communicated" using with Bryan. I add the quotations marks because it is not terribly user friendly and lacks any help format at all (at least, that we could find). I'm sure it has its uses, but these uses must be dark and mysterious things that should never see the light of day.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Week 4- Journal Prompt
I believe I judge expertise on the web based on where the information is found, and how reputable the site is, both in general world terms and in my own experience. Similar to face-to-face settings, if a completely random person not associated with any group presents some information, they have very little creditability if the information is needed to be accurate. That is, if someone claims the stock market in Asia went up or down a certain amount, that information (while important) I don't need to know, so I don't place any value (positive or negative) on the expertise of the speaker.
However, if a police officer in a city I am visiting informs me that a street is closed, he has more value in my mind than another visitor to that city. On the web, if an associate professor of anthropology presents information as part of a museums online presence, that information garners more value than information given from random member of the public.
There is always the situations where the expertise is earned over time. If on a anthropology forums an individuals contributions have been found to be accurate many times over, even if that individual has no "proper" expertise officially given, for me they are source of knowledge that can be valued more than others. Even if someone is an associate professor in a subject, that same person over time can be found to not be reliable.
Both my thinking about this on the web and face-to-face is similar: People earn their value based on either a stated expertise based on the reputation of an established entity, or show their value over time by providing useful and accurate information.
Web 2.0 collaboration gone bad?
An example of a group of strangers coming together to accomplish something: They end up harassing a guy who was flaming on some forums:
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Web sites: Better to burn out or fade away?
I think about the thousands (or more) of web sites, blog, wikis, user profiles, etc. that are created every day and are left to languish in the purgatory of the Internet, and what their creators had in mind when they began their creation. Since not everyone's latent community actually evolves into a mature, self-sufficient digital community, at what point does a creator decide that they should essentially give up and delete their creation?
Currently, we've all heard of a few FSU IS websites and tools created that simply aren't being used, or are used so infrequently that not many people even know they exist. There is always the potential that a particular class will resurrect the site, or that an instructor decides to use the long-dormant tool for a class. Other than these examples, the tools created in the past for the FSU IS students and departments may very well suffer the same fate as my Geocities account, eternally existing in a server somewhere, but never seeing the light of a computer monitor.
I would be interested in reading (well, reading more) on different traits, characteristics, and techniques website and tool creators have used, and to see different statistics on how the differences translated into success, failure, or somewhere else in the large range in between. If such a thing is found, it would then make me wonder how the information is being used for corporate and for-profit companies to give their web sites the most use as possible. This alone sounds like an entire college program one could take: "Digital Success and the Theories Comprised of It."
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Bookmarking/highlighting fun.
After the initial astonishment passed over the variety and range of web 2.0 tools out there, I am still a little excited over bookmarking tools such as Diigo. Excitement is an odd word choice in itself, but it's close enough to describe the feeling when I see potential in a tool, and want to start working with it.
Many times I would be reading an article or website, and would think that I would like to read the information again. I could have printed the article, or bookmarked the web address in the usual fashion, but the compilation of so many (often random) hard copies or "Favorites" bookmarks does no bode well for the organized part of my mind. I like the idea of having a simple list of links that I can refer to, at which point I can find the particular section of interest by the notes or highlighting.
With that said, I sort of want to revisit as many past sites as possible, building up my website bookmarking database so that I can make use of it in the future!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Week 3- Contribution List
This week I completed:
- Few random DB postings.
-Couple of random blog comments for classmates
-Did a lot of discussion with Eirin, and compilation of information for produsage #1.
-Introduced and RSS readers to coworkers Sure, it's not a class thing, but still relevant. :)
-Dipped my toe a bit more into Second Life, and realizing 1) I could really get into it and 2) I don't have time to really get into it :)
-Looked into the more obscure web 2.0 tools and sites. Unfortunately, there's a lot of overlap in the uses for sites. One of the most useful ones (for me, at least) that I recall is FatBurgr, a website which compiled nutrition information for a large variety of restaurants and fast food joints.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Creation of a Web 2.0 Masterpiece
While this can be true, the more we linked pages, changed layouts to make them more intuitive, and added different sections and contributor areas, the more I realized having integrated discussion boards (more than on a per-page basis), pictures, chat rooms, blogs, etc. could enhance the experience of visitors and the kinds of information they are looking for. In addition to the course reviews and information, it could also include areas to share and discuss other aspects of life as an IS graduate student, such as study methods, recommendations for projects, or sharing and assisting with projects and surveys. If the information in our course review warehouse proves to not only be useful, but also used, then I intend to import the information into a Ning network, and work on these extra ideas.
So, support your local Course Review Warehouse!! I'm sure you don't have 3-dozen other classmates with web 2.0 projects to help contribute to. ;)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Week 3- Produsage #1 update
A big component is, of course, the ability of a user to edit these pages to add extra courses or to alter the contents. This is particularly useful in that the page for each course will also a course rating widget, and contain areas for students to input a Course Review. That is, their experience with the course, how it fits into their course of study, prerequisites recommended before the course in question, and any other useful information that future students may find useful in researching the classes they will take.
In addition to the previously mentioned items, there is also a separate area for students to input their course of study, the classes they took and when they took them. This can be handy for anyone else who trying to get an idea of how others have signed up for classes and how their course load was.
If you feel like contributing (because I'm sure you have completed your own produsage already and are looking for something to do), the wiki can be found at As usual, the course is under construction. Let us know if you have any questions or ideas!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Week 3- Journal Assignment
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Week 2- Big Brother, Disney World, and RFID
The Disney buses are also rigged with GPS, and the recorded voices in the bus, along with the electronic signs announcing the destination on the outside, both change automatically when the buses pass certain key points along the routes. Additionally, so many of the vendors are now using wireless point-of-sale stations (cash registers) so that they are not inhibited by wires. Kinda scary, potentially, for would-be hackers. I'm sure Disney has an insane amount of security for such things, but they don't exactly advertise that in the open.
This reminds me of an article in Sunday's Tallahassee Democrat newspaper (I couldn't find it on their website, so linked the same article through Yahoo). It tells of privacy fears in using RFID chips. For those too lazy to check the Wikipedia article linked, RFID is radio frequency identification. The idea is these ID chips send out a weak signal with the chip's information, so that devices nearby can read the information. Some buildings have security doors that sense the cards information and open automatically when the person with the proper security clearance card walks in, but the doors won't open if you don't have the right card. The article focuses on using the RFID cards for Homeland Security and passport information. The problem, says the article, is that other people using relatively simple technology can actually read the weak signals the RFID cards transmit.
Both the Disney and RFID cards are further examples of how small the world is getting. Twitter and Facebook statuses are voluntary ways people inform everyone of what their doing and when they're doing it, while some of the Disney technology and the RFID chips are ways you can be monitored unknowingly. You also may have heard how some GPS-like devices can be installed in cars, so that not only is your location known (not a big deal, really), but the devices can also track your speed, and how fast and hard you accelerate and brake. Interesting information if you're the parent of a teenage driver, but many drivers wouldn't like it if this information was easily available to their insurance companies.
Granted, all these technology is certainly created to help you in some way. I am by no means an opponent for these technologies, but merely pointing out a few things that have come across my plate in the recent past.
Week 2- KoolAid Man says, "Oh Yeah!"
Twitter has still yet to wow me, though. Compared to so many other Web 2.0 collaboration, communication, and social-networking sites out there, I view Twitter as just one of many, but one that happened to gain popularity. While I will probably be eating my own words in a couple of years, Twitter feels like an intense fad, one that will pass eventually. However, I can see Twitter evolving into a more refined product, a product that would stand the test of time better.
Next up is to peruse or the class Web 2.0 wiki and just pick out Web 2.0 tools to sign up, learn to use, etc. If I cram enough in, I'm sure that some of it will eventually stick, even if I don't use it on a regular enough basis to guarantee information sustainability in my mind.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
week 2- contribution list
-Signed up for diigo, flickr, and even twitter, although it goes against my personal philosophies in life. ;)
Week 2- Journal assignment
How might the concept of produsage be applied in your life (personal and/or professional) as it stands today? Are you already a produser? If yes, what do you do? If no, why not?
The concept of produsage and its results play a very minor role in my life currently. The role it does play is in that I am a user of produsage (or psuedo-produsages) already created. Some examples include Wikipiedia, which is one of my first resources when investigating new terms and ideas. I also us FireFox and Open Office some, but not very much. Even labeling these as produsage would be arguable to some, I suppose.
I believe that my lack of produsage use is often due to a combination of lack of time for exploration into produsages, and an unsupportive environment at work in researching and using new technologies. I come across many different types of software and programs in my daily work, but only a few of them are deemed useful enough to learn more about and to implement into any use at all.
Granted, most produsages out there I most likely am unaware of. Even when these items are brought to my attention, unless they are clear enough to be singled out, I filter it out like so many new technological and web 2.0 tools out there. Similar to how I view Twitter, if it does increase my productivity easily or provide me with a tool that can make tasks easier, it does not make the list of items to learn and utilize. Ironically, it is taking a college course for me to make the time to look into various produsages, web 2.0 tools, and pro-am contribution results.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Weekly Contributions List
Filtering 2.0
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Week 1 Assignment
Well, I apparently have had some contact with Web 2.0, but wasn't aware of it. I have an account with Facebook and MySpace, and have blogs on Xanga and Blogger (...obviously). Use of various wikis and online worlds is also part of my experience. My use of these Web 2.0 applications (and those I cannot recall) are usually in a shallow fashion, and I could easily be called a lurker or a follower in the overall realm. While I have the skill set to make use of Web 2.0, I rarely feel interested in inclined to do so. The inherent result of Web 2.0 tools such as expansive publishing by anyone, about everything, for whoever has created a nice wall in my mind where I choose not to partake in many Web 2.0 tools, solely due to the annoyance of the preponderance of information, with twitter being a prime example. I have no need to share, no do I know of tweets by others that I wish to keep apprised of.
My use is similar to many others, wherein I enjoy observing, reading, and seeing a few varied tidbits that are associated with my friends and family. My actual participation is very limited, so much that I am guilty of not posting a "happy birthday!" on a friend's Facebook wall. Such a crime!
I hope this Web 2.0 class provides a good outline and direction for the acquiring and use of Web 2.0. In just the first couple of days I feel my hopes will be realized. My goal is to stuff as much Web 2.0 knowledge into my skull as possible, and combine it with my other educational and technological skills so that I will no longer be a stranger to this brave new world that is Web 2.0